Training programmes on the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination, the principle international treaty law on women, are organised to promote CEDAW-based work monitoring and advocacy within India. The course content includes – contextualising CEDAW’s significance as a human rights treaty for women, its key concepts, the content and the various functions of the treaty body.
Importantly, it also includes applications of CEDAW at the community and national levels, in programmes, policy, education, monitoring, advocacy, litigation and legislative action, the role of civil society in all these processes as well as in the country review by the treaty body. Such trainings have been organised locally, nationally and regionally [South Asia level] to disseminate CEDAW as well as encourage more and more groups to contribute to the shadow report writing processes, special thematic trainings to build capacity on sector-based monitoring have been organized. For example, the chapter on education in India’s shadow report to the CEDAW in 2007 was an outcome of our sector-based capacity building process.