Beyond Asia

Chad: Special Tribunal convicts Hissène Habré of war crimes

A special tribunal in Senegal sentenced the former dictator of Chad to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity, war crimes, and torture, including sexual slavery, sexual violence, and rape, from 1982 to 1990. During his tenure, Habréused the police and the army to spread terror among the population. Thousands were tortured and murdered, and great […]

US Court Of Appeals hold that Companies cannot discriminate Against LGBTI persons

The full 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago recently ruled that Companies cannot discriminate against their LGBT employees because of their sexual orientation. The Court observed that discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation amounts to sexual discrimination, and therefore is covered under existing federal law known as the Civil Rights Act. The […]

African Union officially endorses Pan African Women’s Charter on Land Rights

The 9th Annual African Union (AU) Gender Pre-Summit held in Addis Abba officially endorsed the charter of demands initiated from the mass assembly of rural women. The charter, which includes 15 specific demands addresses women’s access to use, control, own, inherit and dispose of their land and natural resources. The move has been welcomed by women’s […]

Sweden to Compensate Trans persons forced to undergo Sterilization

The Swedish Minister for Public Health announced that the Swedish government has agreed to financially compensate forcibly sterilised trans people with the amount of $26000  each. The compensation will be available for anyone who was forcibly sterilised by the Swedish state from 1972-2013 in order to comply with the previous requirements in the Swedish legal […]

European Court of Human Rights ends Forced Sterilisation

The European Court of Human Rights found that sterilisation requirement in legal gender recognition violates human rights. Setting the legal precedent for Europe, the decision will force 22 European countries using the infertility requirement from a person seeking legal gender recognition, to change their laws. This historic decision is delivered in three joined cases against France […]

European Union court allows religious symbol bans

The European Court of Justice has ruled that companies may bar staff from wearing Islamic headscarves and other visible religious symbols under certain conditions, setting off a storm of complaint from rights groups and religious leaders. In its first ruling on a volatile political issue across Europe, the Court of Justice (ECJ) found a Belgian […]

Report on Women’s Rights in Africa launched

The United Nations Human Rights office, together with African Union and UN Women, released a report on women’s rights in Africa. This is the first report in a series of analytical reports on the situation of women human rights on the continent that will be issued periodically and is to be read in conjunction with […]

UK Companies must Declare Gender Pay Gap

New Regulations under the UK Equality Act make it compulsory for any organisation that has 250 or more employees to publish and report specific figures about their gender pay gap from 2017. Companies have been asked to submit their reports by 2018 and if they fail to do so they will be contacted by the […]