According to the World Health Organisation, sexual health is defined as “a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. It requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, and the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence.” The components of sexual health include access to accurate information on sexuality, comprehensive sexuality education, clinical services regarding management of sexual dysfunctions, and access to information and counseling regarding sexuality.
However, the conversation around sexual health is often clouded by stigma. This then feeds into poor or negative understandings of sexual health amongst adolescents and young people, leaving an already vulnerable community at even greater risk. This has led to multi-factoral challenges to sexual health support and services, requiring multi-pronged approach that involves various institutions.
Comprehensive sexual education, a combination of legal as well as attitudinal tools to prevent discrimination in the access to health services on the grounds of sex, age, disability, race or other personal identity markers and social awareness are key strategies to focus on.

Recommendation for Protection of the Rights of Adolescents in the National Child Protection Policy, PLD.
Eastern Region Consultation on Adolescent Sexuality and the Law, PLD, Praajak and Swayam (2020)
Southern Region Consultation on Adolescent Sexuality and the Law, PLD and Tulir - CPHCSA (2019)
Data Speak: Early Marriage and Health, Sama Resource Group for Women and Health (2015)
Voices from the Field: Access to Contraceptive Services and Information in the State of Haryana,India, Centre for Health Law, Ethics and Technology, Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University (2013)
Recommendations To The National Child Protection Policy with Special Emphasis On Marginalized Category Of Children From A Gender and Sexuality Lens, Nirantar Resource Centre.
AudioVisual Media
Video: Swasthaya Mela for Women and Adolescent Girls, SAMA Resource Group for Women and Health (2019)
Video: Birdbox, Baaraan Lijal (2017)